just beauty

Tips for healthy hair

By October 23, 2019 No Comments

Tips for Healthy Hair

Happy Tuesday y’all! I’m so excited to share some tips to maintaining healthy hair, as a cosmetologist of 8 years I have tried LOTS of products. I’m constantly heat styling and coloring my hair so I’ve had to really pay attention and learn ways to keep it healthy!

Not gonna lie… I have had my days of bad hair, hidden under extensions and waxy silicone products! But never fear, I’ve got some products that will not only end that scary never ending battle but also heal your hair from the inside out!

Tip 1: Quality Shampoo & Conditioner

I have color treated hair so finding a shampoo that is color friendly is of upmost importance! I also have very curly hair that I love to style and wear smooth, whether it be straightened or polished curls.

I have used this brand of shampoo and conditioner for the last 2.5. years and let me tell you my hair has made miraculous changes! Just scroll down to see my before and afters, keep in mind as a licensed cosmetologist I’ve always used “professional products”.

Enter Deep Smoothing Shampoo, and Deep Smoothing Conditioner. 

Tip 2: Masque and Oil Treatments

STEP AWAY FROM THE COCONUT OIL!! If you are dousing your hair in coconut oil and then heat styling it you are essentially cooking your hair! Just Stop!!

This masque will help heal damaged hair and this oil will CHANGE your life! There are 101 uses for it (I’ll link a video here)

Tip 3: Reduce Heat and Use a Heat Protectant

This is my favorite heat protectant. This product isn’t just your normal heat protectant it is formulated with THERMA-GUARD 450™ to reinforce and protect the outside of the hair fiber. It Provides high heat (450°F/ 232°C) and UV protection to prevent against damage and breakage. It is also totally naturally based and free from silicones.

As I mentioned earlier I typically blow out my hair prior to styling so I’ll add my favorite blow out cream here as well.

Tip 4: Silk Pillow Cases & Hair Turbans

Sleeping on a silk pillow case will help reduce friction and breakage.
And using a Hair Turban will also reduce friction and breakage than using a regular towel.

Tip 5: Use Gentle Hair Ties and Brushes

Scrunchies are less damaging than rubber bands.

Wet Brush: this brush reduces tension on knots when brushing your hair, the bristles are soft and don’t rip against the knots.

Random tips and tricks:

Always brush your hair before showering to allow for less knotting.

Shampoo in back and forth motions instead of circular motions to reduce the pull against your hair follicle and reduce hair loss.

If you like this sort of post and have any questions please let me know!

xoxo –
Just Jadi

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Just mommy things, life, beauty & fashion.

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